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6th Ave Homes is the one stop shop for finding, fixing, and financing
the homes of our clients’ dreams.
Our Values
We are faithful to the idea of restoration, it is the heart behind all we do.
We are deeply committed to the peace and prosperity of our city.
We believe that being clear is kind and communicate with “Radical Candor”.
We reject the status quo and encourage innovation.
We are a team of leaders and problem solvers, never bringing a problem without solutions.
We value people and principles over profits.
We take “Extreme Ownership” for both the success and failure of any project and role we are tasked with.
We practice the art of “Prioritize and Execute” because all things are not of equal importance.
We are fanatical about having fun while we work and do not take ourselves too seriously.
We are fans of feedback. Mistakes are opportunities to grow.
We believe faith and family should come first and are precious gifts to be savored. We will always create margin for both.
We intentionally keep our team small and curated, always partnering with and rewarding the right people.
We are passionate about daily growing stronger, smarter and more selfless.