6th Ave Job Application

We are looking for a motivated & skilled experts to join our team.



 1. Read Our Mission

Please go to our website - https://www.6thavehomes.com, and read our mission statement and values. These two sections are the core of who we are and how we make every decision at 6th Ave Homes. We refer to these often, so it’s important to become familiar with this. Please also go to our “Our Story” Section, & watch the video.

2. Take These Questionnaires

Because culture is a big part of the 6th Ave Homes business model, we use a program called Culture Index and the Enneagram Test as part of our hiring process. Similar to some other personality tests, these add in a few other levels and help give us a gauge for a person’s personality, strengths, and gifts, and give us insight into cultural fit. You should have already received the link for these tests but if not, please see and take below. 

Please take these online tests at the links below. It will only take around 10 minutes each. There are no right or wrong answers - we just want honesty!

Culture Index

Enneagram Test

3. Questions

Once we receive your application, We will follow up
with you for the next steps.

 We’re excited to hear from you!